ReplicaNet and RNLobby  1
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UserClient Class Reference

#include <UserClient.h>

Inheritance diagram for UserClient:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for UserClient:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  Reason {
  kReason_ClientForcedLogout = 0, kReason_ServerForcedLogout, kReason_ChatRoomFull, kReason_ChatRoomUserLeft,
  kReason_ChatRoomClosed, kReason_ChatRoomKickedByAdmin, kReason_ChatRoomWrongPassword, kReason_ChatRoomDoesNotExist,
  kReason_ChatRoomBanned, kReason_IncorrectLoginDetails, kReason_AccountBlocked
enum  { kState_Online = (1<<0), kState_FriendRequest = (1<<1), kState_GameInvite = (1<<2), kState_Message = (1<<3) }
enum  VariableAccess { kPrivateRead = 0, kPrivateReadWrite = 1, kPublicReadPrivateReadWrite = 2, kPublicReadPrivateRead = 3 }
- Public Types inherited from MutexClass
enum  { kNoOwnerThread = -1 }

Public Member Functions

bool Start (void)
 Because this uses a TransportUDP connection it will call XPURL::RegisterDefaultTransports()
bool Stop (void)
void SetServer (const XPAddress &address)
bool CreateLoginUser (const char *name, const char *password, const char *emailAddress="", const char *optionalID="")
bool LoginUser (const char *name, const char *password)
bool ChangePassword (const char *password="")
bool ChangeEmail (const char *emailAddress="")
int GetLoginID (void)
 Returns the login ID when the user is logged in or UserInfo::kAnyLoginID when the user is not logged in.
std::string GetLoginName (void)
 Returns the login name as stored on the server when the user is logged in.
bool LogoutUser (void)
 Logs out a user.
bool DeleteUser (void)
 Deletes a user that is currently logged in.
bool SendMessageTo (const int loginID, const char *message="")
 Sends a message from a logged in user to a login ID.
bool AddFriend (const int friendLoginID)
 Request to add someone as a friend.
bool AuthoriseFriendRequest (const int friendLoginID)
 Authorise a friend request from a UserInfo that has the bit kState_FriendRequest set in mState.
bool DenyFriendRequest (const int friendLoginID)
 Deny a friend request from a UserInfo that has the bit kState_FriendRequest set in mState.
bool RemoveFriend (const int friendLoginID)
 Remove a user from the friend list. The user info changes will stop tracking.
void AnswerMessage (const int fromLoginID=UserInfo::kAnyLoginID)
 Call this to clear the state for a received message.
int GetState (void)
bool SendGameInvite (const int friendLoginID, const char *invite="")
 Sends a game invite to a friend. Only friends can receive game invites from a user.
bool CancelGameInvite (const int friendLoginID)
 Cancel a game invite to a friend.
bool AnswerGameInvite (const int friendLoginID=UserInfo::kAnyLoginID)
 Call this to clear the state for a received game invite from a specific friend or by default all game invites.
bool SetVariable (const int section, const char *name, const char *value=0, const VariableAccess access=kPrivateReadWrite)
bool GetVariable (const int section, const char *name, const VariableAccess access=kPrivateReadWrite)
bool GetVariable (const int loginID, const int section, const char *name, const VariableAccess access=kPublicReadPrivateRead)
bool AddUserInfo (const int loginID, const bool useCache=true, const bool trackChanges=false)
bool RemoveUserInfo (const int loginID)
 Stops tracking a loginID for changes that have been requested from using AddUserInfo(). If the user is a friend this will not remove the user from the friend list.
bool GetUserInfo (const int loginID, UserInfo *result)
bool CreateChatRoom (const char *password=0)
 Create a new chat room and if successful makes this user join the room as the room admin. The user will be notified of the chatRoomID by CallbackChatRoomCreated()
bool LeaveChatRoom (void)
 Leave a chat room. If the user created the room and the room has no admins left then the room will be closed. All users in the room will be receive CallbackChatRoomLeft() with a reason of kReason_ChatRoomClosed.
bool EnterChatRoom (const int chatRoomID, const char *password=0)
int GetCurrentRoom (void)
 Returns the current chatRoomID.
bool ChatRoomAdminMessage (const char *text, const unsigned int flags=0)
bool ChatRoomSay (const char *text, const unsigned int flags=0)
bool ChatRoomWhisper (const int loginID, const char *text, const unsigned int flags=0)
bool ChatRoomKickUser (const int loginID, const bool ban=false, const char *reason="")
bool GlobalKickUser (const int loginID, const bool ban=false, const char *reason="")
bool GlobalRestoreUser (const int loginID)
 If a user account has been globally banned this will restore the account to active service.
bool IsRoomAdmin (void)
 If the user is a room admin this will return true.
bool IsSuperAdmin (void)
 If the user is a super admin this will return true.
bool PlayingAGame (const bool playing=false, const char *url="")
bool GetPlayingAGame (void)
 Gets the state set by PlayingAGame()
std::string GetPlayingAGameURL (void)
 Gets the url state set by PlayingAGame()
std::string GetLastOnlineTime (void)
 Gets the last time this user account logged in.
bool RequestUserNonce (const int seconds)
bool RequestNamesLike (const char *match="", const bool banned=false)
int GetPendingGetVariableRequests (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseTransportServer
void SetEncryptionKey (const void *data, const int length)
virtual bool StartWithTransport (Transport *transport, const bool allowDelete=true, const bool isListen=true)
size_t GetNumConnections (void) const
 Returns the number of active connections.
size_t GetNumTotalSessions (void) const
 Returns the total number of connections.
bool SetAsDisconnecting (Transport *transport)
 This will put the connection into a list pending disconnection after a timeout period.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThreadClass
 ThreadClass ()
virtual ~ThreadClass ()
void Sleep (int milliseconds)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MutexClass
 MutexClass ()
virtual ~MutexClass ()
void Lock (void)
void UnLock (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Thread
 Thread ()
virtual ~Thread ()
void Begin (ThreadClass *threaded_class)
void Terminate (void)
bool GetTerminated (void)
bool GetEverTerminated (void)
bool GetIsRunning (void) const
void SetPreferredProcessor (int processor=kReplicaNetPreferredProcessorOSChoice)
int GetPreferredProcessor (void)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void CallbackConnectionEstablished (Transport *transport)
 User extensible callbacks. More...
virtual void CallbackUserLogin (const int loginID)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when the user successfully logs in.
virtual void CallbackUserLoginFailed (const Reason reason)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when the user login attempt fails.
virtual void CallbackUserLogout (const Reason reason)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when the user logs out.
virtual void CallbackUserAlreadyExists (const int loginID)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when the user account already exists.
virtual void CallbackUserLoginFromOtherClient (void)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when the user is logged out due to the same account being logged in on another instance.
virtual void CallbackMessageReceived (const int fromLoginID, const char *message)
virtual void CallbackFriendDeleted (const int loginID)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when the user deletes a friend.
virtual void CallbackFriendAdded (const UserInfo &user)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when a friend UserInfo is added. A UserInfo can be added when UserInfo::GetState() has kState_FriendRequest set for a pending friend request.
virtual void CallbackFriendUpdated (const UserInfo &user)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when a UserInfo is changed.
virtual void CallbackStateChange (const int previousState, const int newState)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when the state changes for this instance.
virtual void CallbackGotVariable (const int loginID, const int section, const char *name, const char *value, const VariableAccess access)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when GetVariable() has read a variable from the server.
virtual void CallbackVariableNotFound (const int loginID, const int section, const char *name, const VariableAccess access)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when GetVariable() has failed to read a variable from the server.
virtual void CallbackUserInfoDeleted (const int loginID)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when the user deletes a user info request.
virtual void CallbackUserInfoAdded (const UserInfo &user)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when a AddUserInfo request has succeeded.
virtual void CallbackUserInfoUpdated (const UserInfo &user)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when a UserInfo is changed.
virtual void CallbackChatRoomCreated (const int chatRoomID)
virtual void CallbackChatRoomEntered (const int chatRoomID)
virtual void CallbackChatRoomEnterFailed (const int chatRoomID, const Reason reason)
virtual void CallbackChatRoomLeft (const Reason reason)
virtual void CallbackChatRoomUserEntered (const UserInfo &user)
virtual void CallbackChatRoomUserLeft (const RNReplicaNet::RNLobby::UserInfo &user, const Reason reason)
virtual void CallbackChatRoomMessage (const char *text, const UserInfo &user, const bool whispered, const bool isAdminMessage, const unsigned int flags)
virtual void CallbackChatRoomKicked (const char *reason, bool banned, const UserInfo &user)
virtual void CallbackGlobalKicked (const char *reason, bool banned, const UserInfo &user)
virtual void CallbackPasswordChanged (void)
virtual void CallbackCannotChangePassword (void)
virtual void CallbackEmailChanged (void)
virtual void CallbackCannotChangeEmail (void)
virtual void CallbackGotUserNonce (const char *userNonce, const int seconds)
virtual void CallbackNewStatsAvailable (const int lastUpdatedTitleID)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when the StatServer updates any variables for this user.
virtual void CallbackNamesLikeBegin (const char *match, const bool banned)
virtual void CallbackNamesLike (const UserInfo &user)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when RequestNamesLike is used.
virtual void CallbackNamesLikeEnd (void)
 A virtual callback that is triggered when RequestNamesLike is used.
void CallbackTidy (void)
bool CallbackPoll (void)
bool CallbackParseValidMessage (Transport *transport, DynamicMessageHelper &message, const size_t length)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BaseTransportServer
virtual bool PackageAndSendData (Transport *transport, const DynamicMessageHelper &message)
 The class mutex is locked during the context of this function.
virtual bool CallbackParsePacketData (Transport *transport, void *data, size_t &length, DynamicMessageHelper &result, Entry &entry)
virtual void CallbackAccepted (Transport *transport)
 Called when the server accepts a connection or when a non-listen class instance connection gets a first valid reply from the server.
virtual void CallbackDisconnected (Transport *transport)
 Called when the transport is disconnected. This is also called if there is a problem trying to connect. It is therefore possible for a non-listen class instance to receive this callback without a corresponding CallbackAccepted()
virtual void CallbackDataReceived (DynamicMessageHelper &message)
virtual void CallbackDataSend (DynamicMessageHelper &message)
virtual void CallbackQueryReplyTime (const float seconds)
int ThreadEntry (void)
void GenerateNewNonce (void)
int GetConnectionNOnce (Transport *transport=0, const Entry *entry=0)
 Gets the connection's NOnce with respect to a Transport.
int CalculateConnectionNOnce (Transport *transport)
const EntryFindEntry (Transport *transport)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThreadClass
void DoQuitNow (const int returnCode)
void CheckQuit (void)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BaseTransportServer
static SysTimeType FloatTime (void)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Thread
static int CallThreadEntry (ThreadClass *thread_class)
static int GetCurrentProcessorNumber (void)
static size_t GetNumAllocated (void)
static size_t GetNumActive (void)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ThreadClass
static size_t GetNumAllocated (void)
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseTransportServer
bool mAllowDelete
int mNOnce
std::map< Transport *, EntrymConnected
bool mIsListen
bool mClientGotAPacket
bool mClientIsStable
Entry mClientEntry
size_t mNumConnections
size_t mNumTotalConnections

Detailed Description

Maintains a connection to the UserServer. This allows access to user accounts, friends and user persistent data for each title.

Member Function Documentation

bool AddUserInfo ( const int  loginID,
const bool  useCache = true,
const bool  trackChanges = false 

Requests UserInfo from a loginID. CallbackUserInfo() is triggered when a request succeeds and CallbackUserInfoFailed() on failure. This is useful for maintaining a list of recent players the user has encountered.

loginIDThe loginID to request information for.
useCacheWhen true if possible use the cached information.
trackChangesWhen true this asks the server to send any changes of the loginID to this user. The server will expire old requests when the user logs out to avoid too much server load. RemoveUserInfo() can be used to forget tracking user changes for a loginID.
virtual void CallbackConnectionEstablished ( Transport transport)

User extensible callbacks.

A virtual callback that is triggered when the UserClient connects the the UserServer.

virtual void CallbackMessageReceived ( const int  fromLoginID,
const char *  message 

A virtual callback that is triggered when the user receives message from another user.

messageThe pointer to the message will be freed as soon as this callback returns so do not store the pointer, store the contents of the pointer instead.
virtual void CallbackNamesLikeBegin ( const char *  match,
const bool  banned 

A virtual callback that is triggered when RequestNamesLike is used.

matchThe corresponding match parameter that was used for RequestNamesLike().
matchThe corresponding banned parameter that was used for RequestNamesLike().
bool CallbackParseValidMessage ( Transport transport,
DynamicMessageHelper message,
const size_t  length 

Called from the scope of the thread but without the class mutex being locked. If a MessageHelper::Exception() is caught by this server class the connection will be terminated.

Reimplemented from BaseTransportServer.

bool CallbackPoll ( void  )

Called from the scope of the thread but without the class mutex being locked. This can be called with or without a valid mTransport

Reimplemented from BaseTransportServer.

void CallbackTidy ( void  )

This callback may be used to tidy allocation of objects when the thread terminates. The class mutex is locked when executing this callback.

Reimplemented from BaseTransportServer.

bool ChatRoomAdminMessage ( const char *  text,
const unsigned int  flags = 0 

Only chat room admins or super admins can use this function.

textThe text string is limited to 384 chars. (UserServerPrivate::kMaximumMessageSize)
flagsUser defined flags that will be sent to all recipients.
bool ChatRoomKickUser ( const int  loginID,
const bool  ban = false,
const char *  reason = "" 

Kicks and optionally bans the user loginID from the currently joined chat room, until the room is destroyed and then created again. Only chat room admins or super admins can use this function.

reasonThe text string is limited to 384 chars. (UserServerPrivate::kMaximumMessageSize)
bool ChatRoomSay ( const char *  text,
const unsigned int  flags = 0 

Say some text that is publicly viewable in the current room.

textThe text string is limited to 384 chars. (UserServerPrivate::kMaximumMessageSize)
flagsUser defined flags that will be sent to all recipients.
bool ChatRoomWhisper ( const int  loginID,
const char *  text,
const unsigned int  flags = 0 

Whisper a message to someone in the chat room.

textThe text string is limited to 384 chars. (UserServerPrivate::kMaximumMessageSize)
flagsUser defined flags that will be sent to all recipients.
bool CreateLoginUser ( const char *  name,
const char *  password,
const char *  emailAddress = "",
const char *  optionalID = "" 

Will try to create an account and then login if it was created. If the account already exists or the optionalID check finds a duplicate ID then CallbackUserAlreadyExists() is called and the user should try to use LoginUser() instead. When creating a login the duplicate name check is not case sensitive so that if someone has the name "Fred" then someone else will not be able to create the name "fred".

nameThe name to use for the account.
passwordThe password to use for the account.
emailAddressThe email address to use for the account. The email address can be used to request a password reset using the ASP web lobby interface.
Theoptional ID to use for the account. If the optional ID is not an empty string then it is used to detect for more than one account being created by a person or machine. For example the string could be a hash of the user's credit card information, or the MAC address of the machine.
bool EnterChatRoom ( const int  chatRoomID,
const char *  password = 0 

Attempts to join a room. CallbackChatRoomEntered() will be called if successful and CallbackChatRoomEnterFailed() will be called if not successful. Super admins can enter rooms without needing to know the password.

int GetState ( void  )

Returns a state for this instance that can be displayed as an icon on the screen.

A combination of kState_*
bool GetUserInfo ( const int  loginID,
UserInfo result 

Using the currently known list of users and friends this will try to instantly return the most up to date UserInfo.

loginIDThe loginID to search for.
resultIf not null this is a pointer to the resultant UserInfo.
Returns true if the loginID was found. If false is returned the contents of result is unchanged.
bool GetVariable ( const int  section,
const char *  name,
const VariableAccess  access = kPrivateReadWrite 

Invokes CallbackGotVariable() when the variable is retrieved from the server. The name string is limited to 128 chars. (StatServerPrivate::kMaximumPairValueSize)

bool GetVariable ( const int  loginID,
const int  section,
const char *  name,
const VariableAccess  access = kPublicReadPrivateRead 

Invokes CallbackGotVariable() when the variable is retrieved from the server. The name string is limited to 128 chars. (StatServerPrivate::kMaximumPairValueSize)

bool GlobalKickUser ( const int  loginID,
const bool  ban = false,
const char *  reason = "" 

Kicks globally across all rooms and optionally bans the user loginID account. Only super admins have the ability for this function to succeed. If the user is banned the user will not be able to login again until the block is lifted in the database.

reasonThe text string is limited to 384 chars. (UserServerPrivate::kMaximumMessageSize)
bool LoginUser ( const char *  name,
const char *  password 

Will try to login an existing account. CallbackUserLogin() will be called if the name and password are correct. CallbackUserLoginFailed() will be called if the name or password were incorrect.

nameThe name of the user. This is not case sensitive. However the original case of the name supplied to CreateLoginUser will be displayed.
passwordThe password of the user. This is case sensitive.
bool PlayingAGame ( const bool  playing = false,
const char *  url = "" 

Flags if this user is playing a game. This causes the UserInfo friend icons to update.

playingUse true to indicate the user is playing a game, the optional url will be used. When playing is false the optional url will not be used.
urlAn optional url to indicate what game the user is playing. The text string is limited to 384 chars. (UserServerPrivate::kMaximumMessageSize)
bool RequestNamesLike ( const char *  match = "",
const bool  banned = false 

Requests names that are like the supplied parameter. This causes CallbackNamesLikeBegin,CallbackNamesLike and CallbackNamesLikeEnd to be called once the server replies. By default active accounts are searched. Only super admins are able to search banned accounts.

bool RequestUserNonce ( const int  seconds)

Requests a user nonce from the server that can be used to securely identify this user to any other RNLobby supported service. When the user nonce is ready CallbackGotUserNonce() is called. The user nonce will be valid for a number of requested seconds of time. The user nonce can only be used once before it becomes invalid.

void SetServer ( const XPAddress address)

Sets the address and port of the server. The default for the instance of the class is localhost and port UserServer::kDefaultPort or the address resolved by a successful BackendClient::Start().

addressThe new address and port number to use for the server
bool SetVariable ( const int  section,
const char *  name,
const char *  value = 0,
const VariableAccess  access = kPrivateReadWrite 

Only allow write access to our own variable space. Setting a null value will erase that value if there is access to do so. The name and value string is limited to 128 chars. (StatServerPrivate::kMaximumPairValueSize)

bool Stop ( void  )

Stops the thread. If this function is overridden then this base implementation must also be called. This will not generate CallbackDisconnected() events for any existing connections.

Success returns true, failure returns false.

Reimplemented from BaseTransportServer.